Heute kam folgende mail nun schon im Namen der UN rein:



Dear Beneficiary,


We wish to inform you that the United Nations(UN) has authorized us to remit to you a total amount of Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars.

This amount is to be paid to you because you were selected as a beneficiary by United Nations Poverty Alleviation Program in your region. This Program is in line with

the Social responsibility of the United Nations Organization which is held once in a year to eradicate Poverty Alleviation in 5(Five) countries around the Globe.

On behalf of United Nations Organization, we wish to congratulate you formally, the funds was paid out to us by the United Nations and they have successfully succeeded

in depositing your whole funds with us Here at Postal office in Italy.

They have now ordered us to take full responsibility in the transfer process of your funds and thus commence the immediate remittance of funds to you.

Be duly informed that because of our Postal Italian transfer policy, your funds will be paid to you via our Postal Italian Daily Transfer limit of Five Thousand Six

Hundred United States Dollars.

To begin the claim process of your daily payment as stated above, you are require to provide us with the below information and call our 24 hours Helpline on +39 3661

959 222 for further inquiries.

Your Full Name:
Phone Number:

Upon the receipt of the above mentioned details, your payment will be activated and ready for transfer.

For more information on your payment status;

Contact Person.

Morgan Robert.

Yours truly,

Valeria BASSI.

© Postal Italiane 2014.


Absender recovery @ financier. com


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Hier werden wieder nur Daten abgefragt und anschliessend ständig neue Gebühren für irgendwelche Dienste verlangt.

Es müsste jedem klar sei , dass die UN nicht mal eben eine halbe Millionen verschenkt und das schon gleich gar nicht an undisclosed reciepients, die als Empfänger angegeben waren.


Also Finger weg von der mail, reich wird nur der Absender wenn Ihr antwortet.